The objective of this educational course is to refresh engineering about the fundamentals of material science. This course is Vol 1 of 2, which goes over first fundamentals of different metals, including the Structure of Metals & The Properties of Metals. #
The objective of this educational course is to refresh engineering about the fundamentals of material science. This course is Vol 2 of 2, which goes over additional fundamentals of materials science, particularly Thermal Shock, Brittle Fracture, & Material Selections.
This course describes the mechanisms of corrosion, the types of corrosion commonly experienced, the methods that can be used to control corrosion and methods for implementing an effective corrosion control program. This is volume 1 of 2.
This course describes the methods that can be used to control corrosion. This course details topics such as corrosion control by coatings, corrosion-resistant metals, synthetic organic & matrix composite materials, cathodic protection, & identification of corrosion problems.
Throughout this course content different welding types and techniques are examined. The course goes through these different welding methods in detail, including disadvantages and advantages of the different types, as well as conditions on what circumstances impact weld selection.
The objective of this educational course is to review the basics of welding symbols. This course content breaks down the symbology and meaning behind symbols used for welding for various welding processes and types.
The objective of this educational course is to review the basics of material properties & heat treatment. This course content breaks down the general properties of metals and materials which includes the different properties and characteristics of metals and alloys.
This course provides a discussion of the major issues and concerns of the global supply chain for Rare Earth Elements. REEs, their major end uses, and legislative and other policy proposals that Congress may consider to improve the U.S. rare earth position.
This course examines the role of rare earth metals and other key materials in the clean energy economy. The report focuses in particular on the role of key materials in renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies.
This course outlines methods to determine the effects of fiber orientation on the dynamic strength and ductility of Cor-Tuf Baseline, a UHPC developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Design topics include comparison to limitations of normal strength concrete.
This course highlights the Scientific Operating Procedure that is used to investigate the mechanical properties of nanostructured materials or the properties of materials at the nanoscale. In particular, materials parameters including hardness and Young’s modulus are determined.
This course investigated how the carbon source impacts the structure and the resulting mechanical properties of Carbon Nanotubes, specifically the gross mechanical properties of the self-assembled CNT forest and not on the properties of individual CNTs.
This course seeks to use a DEM model to investigate stress transfer mechanisms by quantifying the influence of particle-size distribution on engineering performance. Both physical and numerical testing methods were employed including using the discrete element method (DEM).
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of CFRP patches for the repair of SHS. This is realized through conducting a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) finite element simulations of repaired panels subjected to moving water.
This course is meant to provide insight on the use of stainless steel in high temperature environment. In this course, topics such as the role of alloying elements, material properties, microstructure, corrosion resistance, and formability/weldability are examined.
This course is meant to provide insight to engineers on the properties and use of stainless steel in a working environment. This course, Vol 1 of 2, covers topics such as: corrosion, working with stainless steels, and the various types of stainless steels available.
This course is meant to provide insight to engineers on the properties and use of stainless steel in a working environment. This course, Vol 2 of 2, covers topics such as: joining operations, surface condition, testing and inspection.
In this course topics such as: material characteristics, methods of non-destructive testing, interpretation of stress-strain diagram and identifying the regions within, as well as understand different types of loadings such as tension, compression, shear and torsional.
This course addresses the optimal use of materials in ocean systems with emphasis on corrosion prevention, fracture mechanics, and basic materials science. This section of the course covers topics such as: materials in the marine environment, corrosion and electromotive potential, corrosion thermodynamics, polarization, corrosion types, and corrosion protection and monitoring.
This course addresses the optimal use of materials in ocean systems with emphasis on corrosion prevention, fracture mechanics, and basic materials science. This section of the course covers topics such as: microstructure of materials, metals and alloys, stress, deformation, fracture of materials, fatigue, wood, concrete, and composites.
General engineering courses including fundamentals of physics, chemistry, fluids, thermodynamics, heat transfer, and more. Also includes engineering symbology & drawings.
Video courses include topics such as Ethics, Safety & Personal Development. Video courses are on-demand, self-paced & can be stopped & restarted at any time.
Ethics, Rules & Laws PDH courses are provided to meet various state's Ethics & Rules course requirements. Includes NCEES rules & Exams on State Engineering Board's Rules.
Accident Investigations, EPA Reports & Failure Analysis PDH courses can be great sources of valuable lessons and cautionary tales for engineers of any discipline.
Chemical Engineering PDH courses include basic engineering fundamentals as well as new technologies like Biomass, LFG & current event issues like EPA studies on Fracing.
Civil Engineering PDH courses include basic fundamentals and also sub-sections such as Building design, Materials, Structural, Geotechnical, & Traffic Engineering.
Electrical Engineering PDH courses include basic fundamentals of electrical science as well as Electrical Safety, Instruments, & Controls.
Environmental Engineering PDH includes tech. to reduce emissions, alternative fuel/energy sources such as Biomass, & EPA studies on subjects such as Fracing.
Mechanical Engineering PDH courses include topics related to basic fundamentals as well as Materials, Structural Design, Safety Design & Mechanical Accident Investigations.
HVAC PDH course concepts include topics such as system design & optimization. Fire Engineering PDH courses include topics such as guidelines & fundamentals of fire protection.
Our safety PDH courses include safety-related topics included OSHA guidelines, reports & publications, as well as accident & safety investigations.
Materials Engineering PDH courses cover the fundamentals of Materials science including topics such as metal properties, welding, concrete, rare earth elements, and more.
Structural Engineering PDH courses include Structural design criteria for buildings & other structures, as well as Material Science topics & structural accident investigations.
Geotechnical Engineering PDH courses include topics such as Seismic design for Soil Liquefaction, Soils & Foundations, Earth Retaining Structures, etc.
Traffic Engineering PDH courses are specialized courses including topics such as Signalized Intersections & Traffic Control Devices.
Naval Engineering PDH course concepts include a broad range of topics including ship hydrostatics, ship stability, seakeeping and maneuvering, propulsion, and much more.
Nuclear Engineering PDH course concepts include a broad range of topics including reactor theory, facility design, radiological safety, and much more.
Project Management PDH course concepts apply to multiple engineering disciplines. PM Topics focus on construction, design, systems engineering, and more.
TOLL FREE (US & CA) 1-833-ENGR-PDH (1-833-364-7734)