This course provides an overview of Naval Engineering Fundamentals, as it applies to general engineering practice and ship building methodology. This course covers topics such as: be familiar with engineering graphing, drawing, and sketching techniques.
This introductory course in naval engineering is meant to give each student an appreciation in each of the more common areas of study. It is meant as a survey course that will give some good practical knowledge to every officer assigned to naval service on land, sea or in the air
This course delves into the topic of hydrostatics, mainly dealing with forces of water on ships and how shifting weights on a ship affects the stability. Topics include calculating the absolute pressure below the surface of the water, application of Archimedes' principle.
This course explores stability in the context of naval engineering, In this chapter we are concerned with the ability of the ship to remain upright when external forces are trying to roll it over. Understanding overall stability comes down to understanding the relative positions of weight.
This course covers the various properties of materials that are used in a maritime environment. Topics such as: material characteristics, methods of non-destructive testing, interpretation of stress-strain diagram and identifying the regions within, as well as understand different types of loadings such as tension, compression, shear and torsional.
This course is meant to act as a primer on topics related to ship structures, including structural components and the challenges associated with ship design. In this course topics such as: shear stress in relation to ship structure, hogging and sagging, identify waves that can increase hogging and sagging, using elastic flexure formula to describe the distribution of bending stress, identifies major components of a ship, and identifies the modes of structural failure.
This course will investigate the differing forms of hull resistance, ship power transmission, and the screw propeller. Additionally, we will investigate ship modeling and how full-scale ship resistance and performance can be predicted using models in a towing tank.
This course will examine the way the sea influences ship response, which responses are the most damaging to its operation and what the ship operator can do to reduce them. The responses of the ship will be the motions we associate with a ship underway such as roll, pitch, and slamming and its structural loads.
This course will explore the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic properties of submarines and compare them with those possessed by surface ships. In many instances the differences will be considerable. It will also look at the structure, construction and layout of submarines and their dynamic behavior through the water.
This course addresses the optimal use of materials in ocean systems with emphasis on corrosion prevention, fracture mechanics, and basic materials science. This section of the course covers topics such as: materials in the marine environment, corrosion and electromotive potential.
This course addresses the optimal use of materials in ocean systems with emphasis on corrosion prevention, fracture mechanics, and basic materials science. This section of the course covers topics such as: microstructure of materials, metals and alloys, stress, deformation, fracture of materials, fatigue, wood, concrete, and composites.
This course, which is volume 1 of 2, covers topics in seakeeping and maneuvering. The main topics discussed in this section are: introduction to seakeeping, intact statical stability, and wave inputs. Topics covered include linearized motion of a ship in waves, including introduction to regular wave theory and a statistical representation of irregular waves
General engineering courses including fundamentals of physics, chemistry, fluids, thermodynamics, heat transfer, and more. Also includes engineering symbology & drawings.
Video courses include topics such as Ethics, Safety & Personal Development. Video courses are on-demand, self-paced & can be stopped & restarted at any time.
Ethics, Rules & Laws PDH courses are provided to meet various state's Ethics & Rules course requirements. Includes NCEES rules & Exams on State Engineering Board's Rules.
Accident Investigations, EPA Reports & Failure Analysis PDH courses can be great sources of valuable lessons and cautionary tales for engineers of any discipline.
Chemical Engineering PDH courses include basic engineering fundamentals as well as new technologies like Biomass, LFG & current event issues like EPA studies on Fracing.
Civil Engineering PDH courses include basic fundamentals and also sub-sections such as Building design, Materials, Structural, Geotechnical, & Traffic Engineering.
Electrical Engineering PDH courses include basic fundamentals of electrical science as well as Electrical Safety, Instruments, & Controls.
Environmental Engineering PDH includes tech. to reduce emissions, alternative fuel/energy sources such as Biomass, & EPA studies on subjects such as Fracing.
Mechanical Engineering PDH courses include topics related to basic fundamentals as well as Materials, Structural Design, Safety Design & Mechanical Accident Investigations.
HVAC PDH course concepts include topics such as system design & optimization. Fire Engineering PDH courses include topics such as guidelines & fundamentals of fire protection.
Our safety PDH courses include safety-related topics included OSHA guidelines, reports & publications, as well as accident & safety investigations.
Materials Engineering PDH courses cover the fundamentals of Materials science including topics such as metal properties, welding, concrete, rare earth elements, and more.
Structural Engineering PDH courses include Structural design criteria for buildings & other structures, as well as Material Science topics & structural accident investigations.
Geotechnical Engineering PDH courses include topics such as Seismic design for Soil Liquefaction, Soils & Foundations, Earth Retaining Structures, etc.
Traffic Engineering PDH courses are specialized courses including topics such as Signalized Intersections & Traffic Control Devices.
Naval Engineering PDH course concepts include a broad range of topics including ship hydrostatics, ship stability, seakeeping and maneuvering, propulsion, and much more.
Nuclear Engineering PDH course concepts include a broad range of topics including reactor theory, facility design, radiological safety, and much more.
Project Management PDH course concepts apply to multiple engineering disciplines. PM Topics focus on construction, design, systems engineering, and more.
TOLL FREE (US & CA) 1-833-ENGR-PDH (1-833-364-7734)