The objective of this educational course is to investigate Structural Design requirements for buildings. The fundamentals discussed serve as a refresher or informational course for any engineer who performs structural engineering design.
The objective of this educational course is to investigate Structural Design requirements for bridges, tunnels, drainage structures, water/fluid transmission lines, electrical/communication structures, bulk containtment, and also goes into some details regarding blast resistant structures.
The primary course objectives are to establish design procedures and construction techniques whereby propagation of explosion (from one structure or part of a structure to another) or mass detonation can be prevented and to provide protection for personnel and valuable equipment.
This manual provides guidance on evaluating the condition of the concrete in a structure, relating the condition of the concrete to the underlying cause or causes of that condition, selecting an appropriate repair material and method for any deficiency found,.
The course focuses on the basic fundamentals of concrete. Topics include Investigation and Selection of Materials including concrete types and properties; Construction Requirements for concrete; Mixture Proportioning Considerations; Preparation of Plans and more.
The types of concrete structures addressed in this course include dams, locks, retaining walls, inland floodwalls, coastal floodwalls, spillways, outlet works, hydroelectric power plants, pumping plants, and U-channels. The structures may be founded on rock or soil and have either flat or sloped bases.
This course sheds light on existing research into the causes of fatigue failure of bolts in bolted connections, especially those that are used in typical pintle socket connections in miter gates that are subjected to cyclic loads in multiple directions.
This course material relates to Cold-Formed Steel Seismic Design Recommendations. This is vol 1 of 3. In this section, topics such as shear panel considerations and designs, material properties, test configurations, procedures, and performance of test panels.
This course material relates to Cold-Formed Steel Seismic Design Recommendations. This is vol 2 of 3. In this section, topics such as the shake model verification test, special design considerations for seismic loads, and other recommendations.
This course material relates to Cold-Formed Steel Seismic Design Recommendations. This is vol 3 of 3. This section focuses on Seismic Design Recommendations for shear walls, and some examples of different seismic designs.
This report presents some of the general design concepts of operating nuclear power plants in order to discuss design considerations for seismic events. This report details Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA).
The objective of this course was to demonstrate and validate the capabilities of hybrid composite bridge beams as replacements for either conventional concrete or steel beams. Focus is on maintenance and capital costs for steel reinforcement
This is an analytical standard intended to analyzle the risk posed by an aircraft crash into a facility. The focus is on analyzing the risk posed to the health and safety of the public and onsite workers from a release of hazardous material following an aircraft crash.
General engineering courses including fundamentals of physics, chemistry, fluids, thermodynamics, heat transfer, and more. Also includes engineering symbology & drawings.
Video courses include topics such as Ethics, Safety & Personal Development. Video courses are on-demand, self-paced & can be stopped & restarted at any time.
Ethics, Rules & Laws PDH courses are provided to meet various state's Ethics & Rules course requirements. Includes NCEES rules & Exams on State Engineering Board's Rules.
Accident Investigations, EPA Reports & Failure Analysis PDH courses can be great sources of valuable lessons and cautionary tales for engineers of any discipline.
Chemical Engineering PDH courses include basic engineering fundamentals as well as new technologies like Biomass, LFG & current event issues like EPA studies on Fracing.
Civil Engineering PDH courses include basic fundamentals and also sub-sections such as Building design, Materials, Structural, Geotechnical, & Traffic Engineering.
Electrical Engineering PDH courses include basic fundamentals of electrical science as well as Electrical Safety, Instruments, & Controls.
Environmental Engineering PDH includes tech. to reduce emissions, alternative fuel/energy sources such as Biomass, & EPA studies on subjects such as Fracing.
Mechanical Engineering PDH courses include topics related to basic fundamentals as well as Materials, Structural Design, Safety Design & Mechanical Accident Investigations.
HVAC PDH course concepts include topics such as system design & optimization. Fire Engineering PDH courses include topics such as guidelines & fundamentals of fire protection.
Our safety PDH courses include safety-related topics included OSHA guidelines, reports & publications, as well as accident & safety investigations.
Materials Engineering PDH courses cover the fundamentals of Materials science including topics such as metal properties, welding, concrete, rare earth elements, and more.
Structural Engineering PDH courses include Structural design criteria for buildings & other structures, as well as Material Science topics & structural accident investigations.
Geotechnical Engineering PDH courses include topics such as Seismic design for Soil Liquefaction, Soils & Foundations, Earth Retaining Structures, etc.
Traffic Engineering PDH courses are specialized courses including topics such as Signalized Intersections & Traffic Control Devices.
Naval Engineering PDH course concepts include a broad range of topics including ship hydrostatics, ship stability, seakeeping and maneuvering, propulsion, and much more.
Nuclear Engineering PDH course concepts include a broad range of topics including reactor theory, facility design, radiological safety, and much more.
Project Management PDH course concepts apply to multiple engineering disciplines. PM Topics focus on construction, design, systems engineering, and more.
TOLL FREE (US & CA) 1-833-ENGR-PDH (1-833-364-7734)